15 September 2010

So I kind of suck at this whole not buying nail polish thing...

I got three new colors yesterday...

China Glaze Secret Peri-Wink-Le
Essie Pretty Edgy
Color Club Mrs. Robinson

I'm wearing the China Glaze one right now...it's sooooo cute. And I tested out the Sally Hansen Quick Dry stuff in Mocachino. It really is quick dry and it doesn't freaking bubble like a lot of other polishes.

01 September 2010


For my own personal obsessive interest, here are swatches of the nail polishes to acquire:

(pictures all pilfered from Scrangie who is amazing)

* China Glaze Bogie
* China Glaze Emerald Fitzgerald
* China Glaze Emerald Sparkle
* China Glaze Four Leaf Clover
* China Glaze Foxy
* China Glaze Japanese Koi
* China Glaze Kiwi Cool-ada
* China Glaze Limonyte
* China Glaze Millenium
* China Glaze OMG
* China Glaze Peachy Keen
* China Glaze Swing Baby
* China Glaze Tempest
* China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise
* Color Club Revvvolution
* Essie Haute As Hello
* Essie Matte About You
* Essie Viva La Vespa
* Eyeko Cosmic Polish
* Illamasqua Baptiste
* ManGlaze Matte Is Murder
* ManGlaze Matte-Astrophe
* Nfu Oh 044
* Nfu Oh 051
* Nfu Oh 052
* Nfu Oh 060
* Nubar Peacock Feathers
* OPI Designer Series Desire
* OPI Gargantuan Green Grape Matte
* OPI Red My Fortune Cookie
* Orly Cotton Candy
* Orly Cut The Cake
* Orly Hot House Flower
* Orly It's Not Rocket Science
* Orly Matte Vinyl
* Orly Pixy Stix
* Orly Royal Navy
* Sally Hansen Going Green
* Sally Hansen Hidden Treasure
* Zoya Ivanka
* Zoya Jolie
* Zoya Kelly
* Zoya Marilyn

30 August 2010

Very Delayed Update

I'm happy to say that I've been very busy with my new job that I kind of forgot about my blog for a little bit. So here's what's been happening:

-My job is so much fun, and I like all the people I work with.
-Kirsta and Ben got engaged! It happened like two or three weeks ago, and I still have yet to call her.
-Cori Jo is leaving for Micronesia :( but we have a phone date today before she heads off.
-Leslie got in a car accident, but she's alright. Her car, however, was totalled, and currently she is stuck in Pasadena at her mom's house with no transportation.
-Caleb is coming down in three days! It's been two months and I'm so excited to see him!
-I went shooting yesterday and shot the biggest gun I've ever even seen. There is a sizeable bruise forming on my shoulder.
-The to-wear nailpolish list has shrunk pretty dramatically, but I still have quite a few on there:

Sinful Colors Serena & Chole
Wild & Crazy Heavenly Handsom
Wild & Crazy Lazy Day
Sinful Colors Forget Now
Sinful Colors Secret Admirer
Wet n Wild Nocturnal
Sinful Colors Midnight Blue
Sinful Colors Mint Apple
Wild & Crazy Chapona
OPI Green-wich Village
Sally Hansen Laser
OPI Fireflies
Milani HD
Milani Photo Flash
Confetti Smitten
China Glaze Re-fresh Mint
Sally Hansen Mochachino

-I found a new church to go to that I actually enjoy attending.
-My birthday is coming up in a week! But that also means that Caleb has to leave, so it's kind of bittersweet.


09 August 2010



The Joy of Giving

So I went to church this morning for the first time in awhile. I gotta say, I don't enjoy it as much as I used to. The sermon this morning was more like a donation pep-talk than anything else. It's like I get the whole "Joy of Giving" thing, but I seriously hear about every time I go to church. And I'll hear it multiple times in a sermon. I didn't like the the Catholic church because I don't believe you have to be baptized to find God and that seems to be a central theme. It just felt really exclusive, like I was trying to get in to a club that didn't really want me there. Now the Lutheran church wants me to constantly be opening my checkbook otherwise I'm not a good Christian. I just don't think that money is the end-all be-all of the Christian faith. I think it might be time to start looking for another church.

Plus, I don't really like the be super social and that's like enough to send you to the seventh circle of hell. But I don't think anyone wants to be super social either, they just feel like they have to be because that's "what Christians do." What does that even mean?


06 August 2010

Some updates

because I am scatterbrained and forget sometimes:

1. Mom situation dissipated. I'm not asking any questions.
2. I've had a few offers for interviews, but I'm most interested in the ceramic studio one. Everything else just sounds so boring and soul-sucking...who wouldn't want a chance to create something every day? PLUS, I would technically be using my degree still. That's not something everyone can say ;)
3. I just finished reading Captivating by Stasi Eldredge and I'm a little over halfway through Wild at Heart by John Eldredge, and they're really both fantastic. They're written for women and men respectively, but it's highly suggested that you read both. They talk about how you were made in a specific way as a man or a woman in the image of God. During high school I always scoffed at the story of Adam and Eve as a completely sexist foundation of Christianity. Captivating took another look at it, pointing out that Eve was not merely made from Adam, but she was the crowning achievement of creation. Everything gets better and better until it reaches her, where it ends. Adam was not complete without her, even when it was just him and God, something was missing. The main part of the story, though, that is always cited is The Fall. Eve was tempted and fucked everything up in about 10 seconds. Well, it's right there in the Bible and it says that Adam was standing right there next to her and didn't do a damn thing. So it was really both of their faults. There's a ton more that both of the books go in to that's not all Bible-based. Most of the books focus on how there are different types of broken people that have strayed away from God and are trying to fill the void in different ways. I swear to you that these books will change your life, or at the very least keep you occupied for a couple of hours. But read them and find out for yourself.

4. I really hate the idea that some people are going to read #3 and think that I'm some doe-eyed, backwoods country bumpkin that just don't know any better and ain't all that enlightened like all them city folk.


VERY hopeful!

This could be my JOB very soon! I'm prayin' so hard for this one...